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This is the newest technology out there as far as saving and bookmarking websites that interest you. Just by scanning this QR code with your smartphone you are able to save my website for future browsing. Go ahead and try it out, it is way cool!
Picture Gallery
These are some random pictures that I take during the day of music related things. Just something fun to view while you are browsing around the website. Hope you enjoy!
Clip of the Month
These are some introductory videos to let you know who I am and why I do what I do. This explains why music is my passion and what inspires me to teach and play guitar. I will also feature one of my favorite YouTube clips of the month!
Kevin Jamming Out
These are some videos of me jamming out. I also will post videos of my students once a week to let them show off their newly learned guitar skills. Maybe you will see someone you know on here very soon!
Video coming soon!!!
Student of the Month
This is where my students get to show their newly learned guitar skills to friends, family, and visitors to the website. I am so proud of my students and their progress.
Video coming soon!!!