Music school policies
Lesson Renewal
If you purchase a set of lessons, the lessons need to be completed in the amount of weeks allotted in the package.
Example: Student purchased 4 half hour lessons package on Jan. 15th; these lessons would expire within four weeks of the first lesson occurred which in this example would be Feb. 5th. The lessons in the example would occur on Jan. 15th, Jan. 22nd, Jan. 29th, and Feb. 5th unless one of these lessons was rescheduled for another date within the time frame of Jan. 15th to Feb. 5th.
It is the student or parent/guardian of the student's responsibility to reschedule lessons within the teacher's availability for lessons that need to be completed in the time frame.
We require 30 days notice if you are cancelling your lesson service with Texas Guitarville Music School. If we do not receive this notice from the student or parent/guardian of the student before we will bill you for another set of lessons equal to the last set of lessons you purchased with us. This is to give teachers notice so they know and can fill those open spots accordingly. Thank you.
Missing Class
The student must attend at least 3 lessons every month. If the student does not attend at least these 3 lessons each month they will be automatically deducted from the lessons paid for. Special case emergencies are accepted such as: family tragedy, sickness, planned vacations, holidays, etc.
Must cancel lesson within 48 hours (2 days) of the lesson. You can reschedule as long as the student and the teacher have a time that is available during the week that you missed the lesson.
Same Location and Same Teacher
The student must finish out lesson package that was purchased with the same teacher for the entire duration of that package. Also that lesson package must be completed at the location where it was purchased. Student can not go from taking lessons with an instructor at Texas Guitarville and try to have them come to their house. This is not allowed under any circumstances and if it does happen we will cancel the lessons with that student with no refund.
Lessons are always cancelled on big nationwide holidays but also on some smaller holidays as well. This is to be determined by your current instructor.
The student must practice what homework the teacher gives them each lesson for that week. This is to ensure that the student learns and improves as they continue with their musical journey with Texas Guitarville. If the student is a child, parents please make sure that they make practice part of their daily routine so that they are prepared for the upcoming lesson and can improve their skills.
No Refund Policy
There is no refund on lessons purchased at any location. You must finish out the lessons purchased within the policies listed on this page. Under any circumstance we do not offer a refund for any reason.
Conflict of Interest
We hire amazing teachers at Texas Guitarville and to make sure that we keep them we ask them to not teach Texas Guitarville students outside of the Texas Guitarville physical locations. This ensures that students are actually being taught the lessons that were paid for at those locations. We want to offer the best facilities and resources out our locations for the students and teachers to use to learn and grow along their musical journey. Please make sure all lessons purchased through Texas Guitarville are taught at our physical locations and stay at those locations.