help music help kids
We are going to change kids' lives with the power of music education. We want to raise money to pay for kids who may not be able to afford music lessons otherwise. The typical music lessons are about $105 for private lessons and $60 per month for a group lesson experience. If you multiply that times twelve months you get $1,260 per student per year for private lessons and $720 for group lessons. Our first goal is to help fund lessons for 50 students whether it be through private or group lessons. Please Help Music Help Kids! We really can't wait to see what music education will do for the lives of these kids.
By clicking the link below you can support a student in need that can not afford music lessons. We have options to sponsor a student for a month worth of lessons or even up to one full year of tuition. Do what you can. They will love you and appreciate this for the rest of their lives! You can give anonamously or we can give you or your company recognition. Thanks in advance for your support!
50 students for one year of group music lessons: Group Music Lessons = $36,000
50 students for one year of private music lessons: Private Music Lessons = $63,000
Let's raise enough money to supply 50 students with group music lessons and 50 kids with private music lessons making a total of 100 students lives' touched by the magic of music education!